
Department of Dravyaguna

Dravyaguna deals with study of medicinal herbs& drugs, their origin, nature, properties & effects upon human beings.It finds its parallel in the modern science of pharmacology. It’s a complete science of herbal plants.

It’s including pharmacognosy, pharmacology and therapeutic uses of the plants. Ayurvedic drugs, especially herbs are prescribed in different pharmaceutical forms, to get maximum therapeutic effect.

The word dravyaguna consist of 2 words:

  1. Dravya = material of thing which can be living or not living.
  2. Guna = properties

According to Charaka there is nothing on the earth which is not medicine. That’s why Ayurveda considers all substances as medicine, if used for specific purposes in an appropriate way.

Dravya guna vignan also allows the practitioner to choose herbs or herbal combinations that effectively balances the vitiations of doshas, while preventing further imbalances or side effects. Here lies the key to relative absence of side-effects for Ayurvedic medicines. The medicines are used to treat both the disease and the patient. When taken the disease separately, the treatment of a specific imbalance can lead to the imbalance of other parts.

Therefore drayaguna vignan is the most important knowledge an Ayurvedic practitioner must gain before he attempt treating.Doctor of Medicine in Dravyaguna Vigyan (Ayurvedic Pharmacology) is a Non- Clinical Course. It provides the principles of Ayurvedic pharmacognosy and pharmacology with a special focus on identification of controversial drugs, adulterants and substitutes used in Ayurvedic practice. Dravyaguna deals knowledge of nomenclature (namajnana), pharmacognosy (rupajnana), pharmacology (gunajnana) and pharmacotherapeutics (yuktijnana).

The course prepares student to be a research scholar, an efficient teacher, an Ayurvedic physician and a surgeon to contribute his/ her services to the medical and health sciences.